My Approach

We are not designed to be inflamed, to feel fatigued and run down, have brain fog, hormonal imbalances, headaches, depression, digestive issues or anything else that makes us feel less than optimal.  We are designed to have tons of energy, clear thinking, a vital sex life, great digestion and a happy, well balanced mood.  Health is our natural state and the truth is, when we identify the root cause of why something is unbalanced in the body and correct it, our body will naturally return to a state of health and wellness.  A huge part of my training has been in Functional Medicine, and that is the model I use to help people regain their health.

So what is Functional Medicine you might be wondering?

Functional Medicine is a science-based, whole body approach to health.  Unlike conventional medicine which only focuses on treating symptoms, Functional Medicine is about addressing the root cause of a disease so it can be fully reversed.  Practitioners spend time with their patients or clients, listening to their unique histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence health and complex, chronic disease.   Functional Medicine is about restoring proper function to the body through lifestyle changes such as stress reduction, quality sleep, good nutrition, movement/exercise, sunshine and meaningful relationships.

The three key principles of Functional Medicine include:

  1. Treat the body as a whole, with all systems being connected, versus organs that only work in isolation from the rest of the body.
  2. Find the root cause of disease so it can be reversed fully, instead of just treating individual symptoms.
  3. Every person is unique and deserves an individualized assessment and customized approach.

Just because a diagnostic name is given to describe a disease process happening in your body does not mean you understand what is actually causing it.  Disease is really just a state of dis-ease somewhere in the body that can often be completely reversed.  Everyone has a unique set of experiences and health history that shape their current state of being.  Conventional health practitioners just don’t have the time to ask someone detailed questions about their health history and dig deep into the interconnectedness of the body.  I will take the time to be very thorough and create a custom plan WITH you, for your unique body, which will allow you to return to wellness.  We all have different bodies, genetics, lifestyles, and preferences so there will never be a one size fits all answer!  I work by educating, empowering and inspiring my clients to take back control of their lives and their health.

Book Your Free 15-Minute Consultation or Comprehensive Health History Session

Enter your name and e-mail address along with what it is you would like help with and I will get back to you and we can schedule a time to chat to see if I can help you!