Work With Me

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Have brain fog, fatigue, bloating, or insomnia?

Sick of taking medications and just watching your health decline more and more?

Frustrated by your lab work that your primary care physician is saying is “fine”, yet you feel like crap?

Tried every diet possible and still can’t lose weight?

Want to feel great in your body?

Ready to accomplish your goals in a way that’s empowering and exciting?

Then you may be a great fit for one of my health rebuilding coaching programs.  My current programs are up-close and personal, one-on-one.  We will develop a plan together and I will be there right by your side to guide you on your way back to health.  This is your journey, so you’re in charge!  We will move at a pace that feels best to you.

How do we work together?

We start our work by you filling out a detailed health history form which I then use to develop a Functional Medicine “map” based on all of your symptoms, previous lab work (if available), current lifestyle habits and how they all possibly relate to one another.  We then have a 60-90 minute consultation over a voice or video call discussing all of these things and explore your unique health history and challenges more in depth.  We will discuss recommendations I have for you and likely labs to pursue to investigate exactly what’s going on in your body.  At that point you can decide if we are a good match for each other and if you want to sign up for a program with me.  My programs require a commitment of at least 3 months.  In this time you will receive:

  • 6 sessions in total.  Two 50 minute video/voice sessions a month where we will discuss your progress, what’s working, what’s not working, strategize different lifestyle change strategies, develop a customized action plan based on your unique case and preferences, and more.
  • Access to me via e-mail and/or voice message support in between sessions for quick questions and clarifications regarding our previous session, supplement protocol questions, or any serious health concerns.  
  • Documented summary of session recommendations sent via email after each session where applicable.
  • Audio recordings of sessions will also be available to help advance learning, if requested.
  • Support in interpreting lab values, what they mean and recommendations to optimize them.
  • Educational handouts, video links and articles for additional learning.
  • Behind the scenes research by me to support your individual goals.
  • Accountability, inspiration, education and empowerment to reach your goals!

Book Your Free 15-Minute Discovery Call or Comprehensive Health History Session

Enter your name and e-mail address along with what it is you would like help with and I will get back to you and we can schedule a time to chat to see if I can help you!